Credit Control Journal
Credit Control Journal and Asset & Risk Review is one of the world's leading academic research journals dedicated to the advancement of asset risk management, credit analysis and corporate and consumer risk.
Each issue of the Journal provides subscribers with practical illustrations as well as theoretical analysis and empirical studies on the development of credit risk, asset management, legal issues, accountancy and finance, and IT solutions, all of which which they can quote with confidence to their Board of Directors.
Now in its 37th year of publication, the Journal is truly interdisciplinary and international in its approach.
IT for CEOs and CFOs
IT for CEOs & CFOs has one goal: to be the source of the most authoritative information for CEOs, CFO, and CIOs involved in all aspects of IT and Software.
Articles are written for senior executives by experts whose authority comes from careful analysis, study, and experience, and are relevant to different industries, sectors and geographical locations.
Covering all areas of Information Technology, Software, IT Compliance, Data Centres, Cloud Computing, Cabling, Hardware, Green IT, and Mobile Technologies, the ideas presented in these articles have been tested in the real world of business and can be translated into action.
Don't let your invitation to a creditor's meeting be the first indication that a customer is in financial difficulties. Credit Control is all about making the right moves - at the right time. RedAlert will alert you to the real financial state of a business, giving you the chance to collect outstanding monies and to stop extending further credit.
RedAlert is not just a basic listings service. It's a full information service that provides you with e-mail support on all the entries which appear. Updated weekly and now available online, RedAlert makes sure that you don't fall into the trap of continuing to trade with a business that is already in financial difficulties.